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Protecting every child’s right to learn

Advocates for Children of New York has a singular vision: an equitable and inclusive school system where all students receive the education they need to maximize their potential as adults.

We fight for families

For more than 50 years, we have fought beside NYC families from under-resourced communities through a unique combination of services, all focused on protecting education rights and eliminating barriers to success so all students can thrive.
  • Richard's Story

    Richard was struggling to finish his last few high school credits and remaining Regents exams to graduate. AFC successfully advocated for tutoring, assistive technology, and testing accommodations that helped Richard cross the finish line and earn his diploma!

    Richard on graduation day
  • Glen's Story

    AFC was able to prove that Glen’s behavior was a direct result of his disabilities, and his school agreed and admitted it did not have the services needed to support Glen.

  • Anselmo's Story

    "Without my AFC advocate, I would not have even known there were programs available for students like Anselmo."

    anselmo in front of niagra falls, wearing a purple yankees cap and glasses

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Take Action

Save Essential Programs from City Budget Cuts!

Email Mayor Adams, your City Council Member, and other City leaders and tell them that the Fiscal Year 2025 budget must save education programs that are providing critical support to New York City students and families.